Saturday, April 30, 2011

Charlie’s home!!!!! :D

Charlie underwent surgery yesterday; the surgeon is confidant his wrist will eventually heal well.  He also mentioned the procedure was more complicated than he had expected. The cyst on Charlie’s scaffoid bone in his wrist was deeper than they guessed from the MRI and the fracture was not healing. They harvested bone from his pelvis bone to fill in the cyst and then used a permanent screw to pull the fracture together and hold the bone in place. Needless to say, bone grafting is very painful. Charlie is tough, and the nurses were all surprised when they heard his pain level and then saw his broad smile,how calm he was and heard his cheerful (albeit groggy) “Thank you’s”.
Garrison stayed with Charlie overnight at the hospital and this morning he came home and is sleeping with good pain management! Thank you to all who are praying!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good Evening Dear Friends,
Isn’t the rain a blessing?! While many farmers (including ourselves) are eager for the ground to dry so we can continue planting we are grateful for His faithful watering of the earth! As Acts 14:17 says, “Yet He has not left Himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy.” I haven’t written an update for some time and I suppose that in itself is good news as God continues to make new and heal and provide opportunities to once again do work in the areas He has called us to minister in. On Sunday, with many of you, we remembered the resurrection of our Savior and its tremendous all-encompassing implications on our lives as Christ followers. We were discussing the providence of God with good friends and someone said, “What if we could see suffering as a trial from God for the purpose of sanctification rather than an onerous, terrifying circumstance over which God (who is good and thus could “never have anything to do with pain”) has no control?” Cancer is sometimes seen in the latter light and yet as Mama said a few moments later, “It is a gift...” A mark of His special providence for His glory and for our good that we might be drawn closer to His likeness. Remembering Jesus’ word’s to Pilate, “You could have no power at all against Me unless it had been given you from above.” (Jn 19:11)
I wrote in the last update, Mama has a mild case of lymphedema. The wraps and gloves are definitely helpful and hopefully will work to prevent any further symptoms if the Lord wills. Her radiation burn (or as we were emphatically is not a burn but rather a skin reaction) was healing speedily until four days ago when it began to show signs of infection. She will see her doctor tomorrow and will receive an antibiotic and we pray conclusive advice in treating it. Mama’s hair has grown out short and curly so she is starting to go about all the time without her wig or a hat on which is immensely exciting for us and an answer to prayer! Charlie’s surgery for his broken wrist is scheduled sometime on Friday morning; we won’t know the time for sure till Thursday evening. We continue in prayer for Mama’s mother, Laurie Rees, who is undergoing surgery tomorrow. She is a wonderful example of patience in suffering. Many blessings on your week!
With Love,
The Lenz’s

“Praise is awaiting You, O God, in Zion;... You visit the earth and water it, You greatly enrich it; The river of God is full of water; You provide their grain, For so You have prepared it. You water its ridges abundantly, You settle its furrows; You make it soft with showers, You bless its growth.” ~ Psalm 65:9-10

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello All,
I've written a quick update to let you know Mama’s appointments went well yesterday… You may remember the immunotherapy drug Herceptin she is still receiving negatively effects the heart to varying degrees. We learned yesterday Mama’s heart is still holding out at an ejection fraction of 62%! It is falling steadily; she was at 70% before treatment, then 65% a few months ago, but they aren't concerned until it drops to 55%. We also learned some side effects, like dizziness, can be a result of this drug and not necessarily a symptom indicating anything else is wrong. They are always careful you know, and order an MRI if anything gets worse, even sometimes just for peace of mind I think, :o) but ultimately we know our times are in God’s hands.
Mama is so thankful and excited the cording in her arm is changing and improving! The pain is less in her arm and more in her hand but overall reduced. Over the last five days, she has developed some lymphedema in her arm and primarily her hand. And I won’t tell you if she did anything in the garden or kitchen to cause it because she has been sufficiently admonished on the subject! :o) It is still quite minimal but we were equipped with all sorts of wraps and gloves and sleeves in the lymphedema clinic yesterday. This morning Mama’s hand was almost normal when she took them off so we’re hoping and praying they work well to correct whatever is wrong. So there's a nuts and bolts update on how Mama is doing. :o)
I am happy to report Grandma, Mama’s mother, is a little better. Her breathing is pretty well stabilized and she is in cheerful spirits. We are praying the doctors have wisdom in knowing how to treat various complications. At home we are all on call to run out and plant onions, potatoes, broccoli and all the other cool-season crops as soon as the rain stops and sun and wind dry out the soil for a few hours! Garrison presented a rousing speech for MCCL on Sunday and we are all working hard this week to finish winter projects before they are set aside for the labor of Summer and tangible productivity. May your week be a blessed harmony of industry and rest.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Good Evening,
I hope you all enjoyed your Sunday! As I’m sure all of you who live close noticed we woke up this morning after last night’s electrical storm to vibrant green! In Sam’s words, “It was breathtaking!” Our pasture turned from barren earth suffused with faint flushes of green to proliferate, reverberating life! Daddy explained to us how the old farmers talk about storms; you can water your crops over and over again but nothing gives them a burst of growth so well as an electrical storm. And then they surmise what exactly the electricity does to effect the growth.
For myself, such storms bring about a deep, firm renewed conviction that God is near; obviously near and I am conscious of His everlasting arms beneath, His sovereignty and with what infinite care and tenderness He protects us, His children.
He has made us wonderfully aware of His presence these last few weeks as we have needed it so much. Mama’s mother, Laurie Rees has been in the hospital for the last week with a broken leg, breathing difficulty and other issues. Thankfully, Mama and some of us have been able to drive up and be with her several times and we are praying for peace for Grandma, relief from discomfort and protection in the hospital from sickness.
We also learned on Wednesday that Charlie’s scaffoid bone in his wrist was indeed broken in the accident. He will have surgery on April 29 involving bone grafting to correct the injury and then hopefully if all goes well it will heal in the next three months.
On a more joyful note, just today Mama’s radiation burns are beginning to heal! Of course they grew worse and were not at all pleasant but she has been so diligent in taking care of and dressing them they are finally healing. She has so much to heal from but continues to be strengthened by God and is selfless in her care of all of us. As I have said before, your prayers and encouragement are a great joy and comfort to us. May Jesus richly bless you and afford us opportunities to be a blessing to you as you have to us.
With Love,
Aubrey for all the Lenz’s

“Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make melody to our God on the lyre! He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rain for the earth; He makes grass grow on the hills. He gives to the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry. His delight is not in the strength of the horse, nor his pleasure in the legs of a man, but the LORD takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those who hope in his steadfast love.” Psalm 147:7-11

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello Dear Friends,
Thank you for writing! ... and praying. The last week has been a bit crazy talking to insurance adjusters. Thankfully, God has provided many helpful people and we had a blessed meeting with the kind lady who took in the the man who died and was like a mother to him. 
Mama continues to do well after radiation; true to what we were told, 12 days after radiation is completed, her burns are not fun, but ointments and lotions continue to provide relief and sustenance. Mentally, it is much more manageable to deal with a wound when you know there are no more treatments making it worse.
In a few days we meet with our oncologist, physical therapist, etc. to get an update on healing and continued treatment. Mom continues to receive Herceptin (imunotherapy) and physical therapy for the cording in her arm, which, incidentally has shown improvement recently! ‘So thankful for Jesus’ healing and provision throughout.  "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the LORD GOD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation." Isaiah 12:2 
Love to you all,
The Lenz’s