Hello Dear Family and Friends,
Mom is home and doing well so far after her third round of chemo. The doctors tweaked her nausea medication recipe again so we are hoping (just a little) for an easier journey this time. They also started all the medications earlier prior to administering chemo so we get a head start controlling the nausea. So, Mom fell asleep almost as soon as we got home!
Actually, administering the chemo itself was a little harder this time. I think once she sees and smells the chemo, and chews the ice chips; the association of those things with the experiences of prior treatments causes nausea. The memory and her senses play a powerful role in the battle. But, we knew God was near us (had just read Psalms 8, 103, and 27) and she was so relieved when it was all over. I had such a thrill of a joy when we were leaving and God had answered our prayers and taken away that specific nausea we had asked Him to take and Mom was laughing. God filled us with such joy, not our own but His real joy.
So, now, we are keeping up with medications, food and rest. We are so inexpressibly thankful to all you who have walked with us through this, both with prayers that we can’t ever possibly express our appreciation for, and with encouragement and so many generous acts of kindness. You are all such a treasured, sustaining expression of God’s love.
If you could pray tonight and tomorrow; pray for the nausea meds to work well and that He would fill us with strength to persevere in His providence.
Regarding her consultation with the doctor this morning, we continue to be thankful for the progress mom is making. Again, the doctor observed more reduction in the cancer. Her blood tests were quite good all things considered. Her white count was a little low, but not too low to prevent continuing the chemotherapy. Mom is such an encouragement to us all with her sweet attitude and her trust in our loving Savior.
Aubrey for all the Lenz's
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