Thank you all for your notes and prayers! The Lord gave us peace and assurance as we needed it.
We are grateful for His sovereignty in everything. However much we plan and take counsel even so it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand (Proverbs 19:21) and He directs our steps (Proverbs 16:9). We are reminded (not for the first time in recent history :o)) that God disposes even kings as He pleases (Proverbs 21:1) and so take comfort that whatever a doctor’s decision or study coordinator’s input is, it is guided by One who makes no mistakes and who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will. Oh, sweet confidence! “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone”.
I would say that overall our appointment today went well, but not without struggles and uncertainty as to what action to proceed with at times. We weren’t able to see our oncologist for very long; he generously made himself available to stop in for a brief consultation even though technically he was “booked” all day. We were very satisfied with his decision. He suggested cutting the Paclitaxel dosage basically in half which would have allowed Mama to still receive it but hopefully without such harsh results. Unfortunately, after he left, the study coordinator found a detail in the study manual that wouldn’t allow Mom with stage 3 neuropathy, to switch to that dosage... I won’t weary you with more details. Suffice to say, Mama didn’t receive the Paclitaxel today (She did still receive Herceptin). We are somewhat glad because this gives us another week to observe how Mama is doing, but I think you’ll know what I mean when I say we wish the decision could have remained as our doctor suggested rather than the study criteria. Of course the truth above still applies and we rest in the knowledge that God had the right treatment in mind for Mama today whatever the outcome. We still pray for wisdom for the doctors next week as they reassess Mom’s ability/necessity of continuing treatments and also peace and assurance for Mama in communicating with different doctors especially ones we don’t see regularly. Thank you for your kindness to us in so many ways, your expressions of care and love. We are so grateful for you.
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