We’ve just returned from daffodils “in a yellow petticoat and a green gown”, swelling buds and a few exuberant birds singing their little hearts out for joy! Spring has come to Tennessee (by a Minnesotan’s standards) and so had we for a few short days. We had hoped to make this trip for some time in anticipation of a good friend’s wedding, but only on last Tuesday did we receive certain approval from our Radiation Oncologist to miss radiation over an extended weekend if Mama had two treatments on Thursday and then returned home in time for treatment on Monday! Necessarily, our schedule was extremely tight and we were forced to give up not a few cherished and hopeful plans we’ll have to pick up on another trip. We so enjoyed being together in the car again for many hours (for the first time in over a year!) simply appreciating each other’s company and discussing our favorite topics and strategies...and being “us!” :o) We were warmly refreshed by the kindness of geographically-distant yet dear and steadfast friends.
And now home to our beloved Minnesota and the task at hand. Mama continues to manage radiation well; she has completed 1 week + 3 days of treatments out of 5 weeks and, providentially, moisturizing continues to alleviate pain from burning. God is gracious to us. Praying you all have a week filled with rest and productivity pleasing to the Lord!