Thursday, February 17, 2011

I regret not being able to update you sooner on Mama’s progress. It was certainly not my intention to ask for prayer and then not follow through with a report and I hope my tardiness does not reflect an indifferent representation of the preciousness of your notes and prayers to us. I am thankful to say Mama did well on Monday; she was able to manage the pain tolerably and her arm position was such that the radiologists felt confidant proceeding with simulation.  As Mama says, we had our own little celebration afterwards. Well, not really a “celebration”; we are grateful, but also eager to be over the next hurdle. The first treatment is today, this afternoon. Their method of using a variety of precautions including "shrink wrapping" a pillow to completely insure you remain in the same position ever time you are treated is really intriguing technology. One thing the doctor did mention was that the cording on Mama's arm will be highly exposed to radiation and most likely blister. Of course then it might not be quite as easy to continue with therapy for a time so this could be a difficult balancing act. We're praying against her arm reacting in this way and trusting that whatever the outcome God will provide strength and sustenance for Mama as she needs it. Love to you all and have a blessed day!

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