We are enjoying the snow-fall here in Minnesota, covering everything in its reach with a thick clean white blanket! This makes life a bit more adventurous for Daddy and Ben who strategize on what precise time is best to pull out the Ford 8N and most efficiently and permanently clear the driveway and road near us. Daddy and the boys started a winter time study of Biblical Law in the smaller hours of the morning this week. Mom and the girls are wrapped up in books and winter-projects trying to squeeze in every bit of reading we can while this season holds its steady quiet over the earth and the sun sets early and rises late; an atmosphere so pleasantly conducive to disciplined thought. In case you are just the tiniest bit anxious for spring, just imagine bags of moist, delicious smelling earth that crumples in your hand, rich black and warm, like the ground on a sunny summer’s day on your entryway floor and you’ll know what we’re working on this week! (All the annual perennials, you know… the ones that “need” to be started early. ;o) )
We are so thankful Mama’s arm is making progress, the kind of progress where if you think back to last week and remember what she could do then and see what she can do now it’s encouraging. Thank you all for your persevering prayers and life-giving encouragement. God is so good and faithfully sustaining! Mom is getting stronger and not tiring as quickly and trying really hard to rest and not get too excited about moving too quickly. :o) We would appreciate continued prayers for healing, wisdom for pain maintenance, that Mom would know when to address it, for strength and endurance through continued therapy and that she would be able to start radiation in a timely manner, (hopefully soon, though we’re not sure when her arm will be healed and not in so much pain). Pray we would be diligent and willing in keeping up with home tasks and for good rest for Mama at night. Love you all so much!
Aubrey for all the Lenz’s
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23 “I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praise to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you— I, whom you have redeemed.” Psalm 71:22-23
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