Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It’s today!!! Mama’s last day of radiation treatment! She’ll ring the bell (you ring the bell in the lobby when you’ve finished all your radiation treatments) and then we’ll celebrate, rejoicing in another small step towards the finish! :o)  We are coming through a long valley and glance over our shoulder to see what is lost and wounded and to glorify God in victories.  As we look forward to see where God is leading, we know there will be still more trials and victories as we are continually shaped more into the likeness Christ desires for us.  I speak of our family together and wonder what is next? We are only just beginning to understand the ways we have been refashioned, ways we have been made stronger or less so.  One thing is certain, we know we are His.  We covet your prayers for patience and faithfulness in following God. Also would you pray for wisdom for the doctors and Mama in knowing how to deal with pain... cumulative pain from radiation wounds, cording and Taxol. We understand from our doctor that the radiation burns will continue to grow worse for up to two weeks after treatment and then start to heal. 
Thank you for being our faithful supporters through this. We love reading and treasure your notes on Caring Bridge, on the blog, notes, emails and calls. It is so heartening when we know you’re there and God strengthens us through your encouragement.  
With Much Love,
The Lenz’s

1 comment:

  1. rejoicing with you and continue in prayer. So good to see y'all last month and do hope we get to see you again in July!!! Yes?! Love,
    Mrs. E for Mr. too
