Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Evening,
I’m sure you are all filled with excitement and anticipation as you prepare for Thanksgiving this week! We are so thankful for all God is doing for and in us, showing us treasures of the darkness, and holding us fast to His word. He is demonstrating to us His faithfulness and who He is and we hunger to be nearer to Him as the hymn writer said, “Even though it be a cross that raiseth me”.
We were talking today about the mercy of God in our nearness to heaven and how we become especially conscious and thankful for the fact that this earth is not our home in the presence of so much human suffering and frailty. I am lost in the wonder of God’s mercy in rescuing me from not only this but the much worse punishment, being blatantly aware that nothing I can do earns Heaven but only His indescribable grace towards those who believe. “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”(1 Peter 2:24)  At the risk of appearing tautological to some, I cannot be silent on the subject that is overflowing from our hearts and the only source of our joy and steadfast confidence, in the hope that as some of you have said you can have confidence in our reliance on God.
I have a few prayer requests to share with you for Mama. Mom is participating in a study and according to the study’s standards her white count today was “too low to proceed” with chemo but by Mayo Clinic’s standards it was just high enough at 1.04. By the study’s standards her white count didn’t need to be tested today; by Mayo Clinic’s it did… So the doctors agreed to go ahead and give her the Paclitaxel anyway. This means that we will have to be extra careful making sure Mom doesn’t get exposed to too many germs.   Also, her white count will likely be lower next time and she may have to miss a week of treatment.  Would you pray that God protects her from infection and raises her white count by next week and helps us to be diligent in working on the things that improve white cell production? :o) Mom often says she feels like she is “floating”. I think I know what she means in that God knows how much we can handle and really only lets us take on bite-sized pieces of pain, allowing enough to accomplish His good work in us but not too much so that we shrivel under the glare. He has given us courage so our fears do not overwhelm and we are so grateful for all your prayers for us. We know “the prayers of a righteous man availeth much” and God has shown us first-hand at least a part of how powerful they are! So thank you again and again for interceding for us.
May you be filled with the joy of Jesus this Thanksgiving, remembering all His acts of mercy throughout history.  Blessed be the name of the Lord!

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