Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hello Dear Friends,
This is Aubrey again…  One of these days Mama will update you all here on what she is gleaning through all this… She was going to last week but didn’t quite get to it. We continue to be overwhelmed by all you faithful ones who persistently bless us with your kindness. We are like dry plants in a hot greenhouse being watered and propped up by our heavenly Father through your prayers and notes and humbling generosity.
Mama had a little more pain and numbness last week and noticed that her symptoms were a little worse. On Saturday she slipped on the stairs and fell a little way, not a serious fall - she wasn’t hurt; but her feet were so numb she couldn’t feel the stairs. Dr. L. said that usually these symptoms aren’t this severe until the 8th, 9th or 10th week so Mom must be one of those patients who are especially sensitive to Paclitaxel and may not be able to make it through all 12 treatments. Of course Mom wants to take as many treatments as possible to decrease the risk of recurring cancer as she possibly can without permanently damaging her nerves. This week Dr. L. gave us a drug to try (it is called Lyrica, a smaller dose of Gabopentin) that may prevent nerve damage in the future so Mom could have more treatments in the long run… but it also causes drowsiness. Actually, Mama took this drug during the first round of chemo to prevent nausea so she has a very natural aversion to it and doesn’t want to be tired and loopy again. J
So, that is what we’re working through right now. We would so appreciate prayers especially this week. If you could, would you pray that the drug doesn’t make Mom super tired and that it would work really well in preventing nerve damage so she lasts through more treatments.
As for the chemotherapy yesterday, we have many reasons to be thankful for God’s graciousness. We still pray every time for high enough white counts, that the nurses would choose a good strong vein for the IV and that the treatment would go smoothly; everything was much better this time… giving thanks to Him who knows just how much we can handle.  We were even blessed with hand massages, chocolate kisses, a love dinner and a delicious-smelling clean house when we got home! Many thanks to all!
Yesterday morning, Sam harvested his first deer and Ben had his braces taken off as well, two usually big celebrations at our house. All through these last few months, God in His mercy has kept life full and over brimming and though it is not all necessarily what we would have chosen, it is all good, reminding us that He is sovereign.
Mama and I finished the last section of Job while we were waiting yesterday. God’s incomprehensible goodness even in our ignorant helplessness brought tears to our eyes. Mama asked me to post this little part of Job’s answer from chapter 42:I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know….” “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I hope.” Psalm 130:5

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