Monday, November 29, 2010

Greetings Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving filled with gratefulness for our Savior and the joy of being near dear family and eating from the bounty God has generously provided for us – we did!
Thank you all for the love birthday blessings and wishes for Mama! We mentioned she settled for an apple pie with a candle in it… well, we stuck 50 candles in it and made quite a blaze! We had to be careful not to put it too close to Mom and sing “Happy Birthday” fastest ever so the candles didn’t melt her wig. Speaking of which, we are very excited; Mama’s hair is growing back a wee tiny bit so her head looks like a peach. Oh, joy, come back hair! Sometimes hair comes back on Paclitaxel and sometimes it doesn’t. At first Mama lost her eye brows and some lashes but now it’s all growing back slowly.
We have good news today! Mama’s white counts have actually gone up since last week from 1.04 to 1.66 (Neutrophils) so she was able to have the Paclitaxel today. Thank you for all your prayers! Praising Jesus for His soft and slow and faithful (and did I mention perfect!) care of us, His children. We are officially half finished; only 6 more chemos to go.
Mama did notice an increase in her neuropathy and nerve pain in her feet this past week. She walks 2-3 miles at a time about 4 times a week. The first half mile is pretty painful but her feet actually feel better afterwards; we are not sure if the increased circulation helps or if simply walking stimulates the nerves to “wake-up” in a good way? In any case, we would appreciate continued prayers that her poor feet that feel like “clubs” would hold out for 6 more treatments or at least a few more. Pray that her white count stays high enough and that she escapes the germs going around. The fact that she has been protected from sickness so far is nothing short of miraculous, so keep praying! God is hearing us!
And can I say again, thank you everyone for your love and care, and for all who have brought meals. They are unspeakable blessing to us, a very tangible expression of the love of God generously poured out through you all. This road would be much too steep without you.
Love you much,

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