Monday, November 15, 2010

Home again and 1/3 of the treatments are officially finished!  Four done… eight to go! The oncology nurses told us we should have a party! :o)
Charlie wore his cowboy hat and boots to Mom’s treatment. An older gentleman offered to sell him his water hose, pipes and etc. We weren’t quite sure what he meant till he came up to Charlie later and bluntly asked him if he’d done much roping. No, Charlie really hadn’t done much roping. The man would like to sell him his mustang horse. He is no longer able to get on it and it appears to him Charlie would. :o) All this in such a jovial good humor. We so enjoyed his entertaining conversation and cheerful smile!
To update you on how Mom is doing physically… if you remember from last week Dr. L. prescribed Lyrica to hopefully prevent peripheral neuropathy and nerve pain. Mama noticed in the past week she had less pain and neuropathy with only a little bit of occasional fatigue and dizziness from the drug. So we are pressing forward with tentative high hopes of completing treatments sometime in the middle of January!
We are thankful and praising God for this good reaction… of course not just because we possibly found the results we desired. There would be some pretty deep valleys of disappointment if that were the case!  There is a deeper, firmer knowledge of the goodness and sovereignty of God, being in the center of His will that tops human preferred circumstances by a mile! I love how Em so much more fluently communicates this!… Click here to read her article. God bless you all tonight!

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